
One Summer In the World Video

“That was an unusually large group you trapped this time,"
the creature starts in a deep grumbling voice. "I waited until they all left.”.

“I thought that was you before,” Ronie laughs,
“and I did not trap them. Those are my kith.”

“That may be true now,
but they were not before
they met you," the creature rumbles.

It was a shocking reminder that although the High Lord General
walks among them, he is not one of them.

One Summer the World

Who knows what you really want to become when you are young? Sometimes the events of the world take over and shape your life in ways you never imagined. Sometimes things end up as they were always meant to be. This book is a tale about how people in different stages of their life cope with the chaos in the world. It is a tale about those who try to force their will on the world and about those who simply get caught up in the events transpiring around them. It is about one summer in the world of High Fantasy.

Jeffrey C. Dillow
ORDER One Summer in the World